What’s Sunday Like?

Whether you're new to church or just new to our church, you're probably wondering what our gatherings look like each Sunday. Here's what you can expect from us every single week at Calvary:

 We gather to sing.

We gather to sing songs that give praise to our God. We sing old songs and new songs. We choose to sing songs that are biblical and full of the gospel.

 We gather to hear God’s Word.

We gather to hear God’s Word preached. We don’t gather to hear the words of men but to hear the Word of God. So if you join us, most likely we will be going through a book of the Bible with the goal of understanding clearly what God has said. Come open the Bible with us!

 We gather to pray.

We gather to pray. We all have to admit that we live in a broken world and all of us experience pain, suffering, and difficulties. In our worship service you will find us praying for God to meet with us, for God to forgive us, and we will also be praying for each other.

 We gather to look to Jesus.

We gather to look to Jesus. We believe that the answer to our deepest need is Jesus. All of us are guilty of sinning against a holy God. But the good news is that Jesus Christ gave his life for those who receive him. When we gather we confess both our sin and our need for Jesus.


...and you're invited!

So join us! You don't have to put on special clothes or clean up your act—you just have to come. Tap the button below to plan your visit!